Love letters from Lana
Each week, host Alana Tukuniu (Lana) shares bite sized episodes on ways to reconnect to you.Lana shares practices ti support you reconnecting to yourself.It's a show that reminds you to reconnect to your inner power and take up the freaking space, quirks, messiness and all.You can stay connected through instagram @maulu_spa and through Lana's newsletter https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1Fist Bumps
33 episodes
Reconnect through your womb Meditation
Bring the warmth to your womb space Connect your heart and your womb with warm love A meditation for all women/non binary to reconnect into the warmth of your Womb__________________________Ways you ...

Stop pushing and go with the flow
Stop trying to race and rush ahead to the next goal. In fact, stop moving the goalposts. Instead, set a fresh, new intention: Remind yourself that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Forgive Yourself
One of the best ways to stay stuck is to hold on where you are...So often, moving forward is about letting go of the things that are weighing us downSo often letting go is easier when we can see the limiting beliefs that we are ho...

Let go of what others think of you
Have you ever worried about being judged?It’s exhausting, isn’t it!Our perceptions of ourselves can be warped and so can our perceptions of what other people think of us.When you worry about what other people think, you step...

Release Imperfections
I live by ‘Done is better than perfect’ but it wasn’t always that way.It was when I practiced softening my expectations and my grip that things started to change for me and that started to look like,more ease and more joy.——...

Trust Yourself
Leaning in and practicing Trust for yourself———If you curious on what working with me looks like, you can check out my deets on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.comIf you’d ...
Season 2

Taking advice from the person who matters the most
This year was the year I had to sit myself on my ass and remember to Take my Own advice. So today I would like to share the reminder with you tooThis episode includes 3 guiding questions for you to explore more deeply.----------...

Call your emotional energy back to you
If you're feeling energised on an emotional level, life feels expansivewhen you're feeling trapped, stressed or overwhelmed, life can feel constrictiveThis episode is about finding your emotional energy leaks and calling your energy...

Bhramari Breath (AKA Bumble Bee Breath) : A space to move inwards
A practice where you move your focus inwards and noticing your energy flow.A practice that helps calm your nervous systemin a sitting position-on a chair on on the floor, making sure you are comfortable and supported as your body as...

If you had permission to put yourself first, what would you do?
Putting yourself first, which is another way to say show compassion to yourself, means we are also more easily able to show compassion to the people around usIt means we are less likely to snap and we are less likely to feel ...

What would life look like if you created the space for change?
Getting stuck in negative habits, old patterns, limiting beliefs and mindsets can hold us back, when we look inside of ourselves and see this, we create the space to also let them go.If you're ready to take actionable steps there are 4 guid...

Connect & Clear: Reconnect with your Inner Power
If you’re always looking for answers outside of yourself, you’re gonna be searching for a very long time.Stop searching. Heal Yourself. Become your Own Master.It's a new way to work with me, a journey where we create spa...

How Healing Shows up
Healing is not like in the movies, where so often it's a click of the fingers and peoples problems have been solved. Healing is small steps that come together to form the larger journey.Link to Sign to for the Island of Success , it...

An Invitation to the Island of Success
Step into the light of the Island of Success!The journey is on 22nd September Its the Spring EquinoxThe Island of Success, a space where we step into the light, where we step into expansion and possibility, where we...

Talanoa, Having a Chat to let the Energy Flow
Having a Talanoa, having a chat is not small talk, it's space for the energy to Flow.It's creating space so that we may step into our healing.Curious, feeling some feels or have questions?Let's Talanoa, let's have a chat...<...

It's your mat, it's your practice
If you've ever been in a Yoga Asana class with me, you will hear me say 'It's your mat, it's your practice' becuase it is, here's the thing though, I take this across all of my work. However you choose to work with me, Honour your own needs fir...

Take Up the Freaking Space
Your weight does not define you, having fat does not define you...Take up the freaking space.Learn to love your body right at this moment, exactly as you are. You are Enough, Your weight does not define you...If you'd like to kn...

A timely note from Poet and Artist Morgan Harper Nichols
Let everyday what it needs to be...You can sign up to Morgan Harper Nichols app as well to hear more of her wisdom.

Building your Intuition Part 2
A continuation from last weeks Building you Intuition. And remember it's all in the Practice and also Trust, trust in yourself.

Practices to build you intuition
A little mini series on practices that can help to build your intuition.