Love letters from Lana
Each week, host Alana Tukuniu (Lana) shares bite sized episodes on ways to reconnect to you.Lana shares practices ti support you reconnecting to yourself.It's a show that reminds you to reconnect to your inner power and take up the freaking space, quirks, messiness and all.You can stay connected through instagram @maulu_spa and through Lana's newsletter https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1Fist Bumps
Podcasting since 2021 • 33 episodes
Love letters from Lana
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Reconnect through your womb Meditation
Bring the warmth to your womb space Connect your heart and your womb with warm love A meditation for all women/non binary to reconnect into the warmth of your Womb__________________________Ways you ...

Stop pushing and go with the flow
Stop trying to race and rush ahead to the next goal. In fact, stop moving the goalposts. Instead, set a fresh, new intention: Remind yourself that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Forgive Yourself
One of the best ways to stay stuck is to hold on where you are...So often, moving forward is about letting go of the things that are weighing us downSo often letting go is easier when we can see the limiting beliefs that we are ho...