Love letters from Lana
Love letters from Lana
Stop pushing and go with the flow
Stop trying to race and rush ahead to the next goal. In fact, stop moving the goalposts.
Instead, set a fresh, new intention:
Remind yourself that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
And then believe it.
Surrender to being where you are.
Even if it’s a raw, hurtful kind of place.
Even if you feel sad to be there.
Even if you want to fight your way out.
Surrender to it because forcing, pushing and controlling it doesn’t make you any happier.
If you ready to dive deeper into this work, you can work with me in my 1:1 Programme Connect & Clear , deets are on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.com
You can also work with me in 1:1 Fertility Support Journey , Tending the Garden of your Womb.
If you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/
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