Love letters from Lana
Each week, host Alana Tukuniu (Lana) shares bite sized episodes on ways to reconnect to you.Lana shares practices ti support you reconnecting to yourself.It's a show that reminds you to reconnect to your inner power and take up the freaking space, quirks, messiness and all.You can stay connected through instagram @maulu_spa and through Lana's newsletter https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1Fist Bumps
Love letters from Lana
Bhramari Breath (AKA Bumble Bee Breath) : A space to move inwards
Alana Tukuniu
A practice where you move your focus inwards and noticing your energy flow.
A practice that helps calm your nervous system
in a sitting position-on a chair on on the floor, making sure you are comfortable and supported as your body asks.
Taking an inhale and on your exhale, you are making an 'mmm' sound
Let me know how you go